
Sodium Bromide Solution

Sodium Bromide Solution

The formula for sodium bromide solution is NaBr. nH2O, making it an inorganic chemical. It is a colorless, odorless liquid with a high boiling point that mimics sodium chloride. It has numerous uses and is a popular source of the bromide ion.

Dec 21, 2023


4-CHLOROPHTHALIC ACID MONO SODIUM SALT is possible to make insecticides and herbicides with this substance. We process these chemical using highest grade ingredients in order to adhere to established safety standards. Our compound can also be employed as a monomer in the synthesis of polyamides and as an intermediary for active medicinal ingredients.

Dec 21, 2023
Strychnine Alkaloid

Strychnine Alkaloid

The poisonous alkaloid strychnine is obtained from the seeds of three trees that grow in India, southern Asia, northern Australia, and Hawaii: Strychnos nux vomica, Strychnos ignatii (S. sancta Ingnatius), and Strychnos tiente (Upas tree). It was frequently utilised as an adulterant in various illegal (street) medications and in poison (toxic) baits intended to kill mice and other mammals. Strychnine exposure can be lethal. It tastes nasty and has no smell.

Dec 21, 2023
Strychnine Hemi Sulphate

Strychnine Hemi Sulphate

Strychnine can be seen as translucent, colourless crystals or as a white powder with crystals. Bears no smell. Used to trap animals that carry fur and to kill rodents and other predatory animals.

Dec 20, 2023
Strychnine manufacturers

Strychnine manufacturers

Strychnine is a white, crystalline, bitter powder that is odorless and can be swallowed, inhaled, or administered intravenously (injected right into a vein) when combined with a solution.

Dec 20, 2023
Brucine Sulfate Heptahydrate

Brucine Sulfate Heptahydrate

Brucine Sulfate Heptahydrate: When determining nitrates, Brucine Sulphate Heptahydrate, Reagent, ACS is utilised. Its chemical requirements, which identify the highest quality chemical available for laboratory usage, are the de facto standards for chemicals used in many high-purity applications since it is an ACS grade quality reagent.

Dec 20, 2023
Nux vomica extract

Nux vomica extract

An overview of Nux vomica extract In conventional and homoeopathic medicine, nux vomica—an extract from the seeds of the Strychos nux-vomica, or strychnine tree—is used to treat a variety of ailments, such as cancer and heart disease. Strychnine and brucine, two poisonous alkaloids that are prohibited or severely restricted in most countries, are found in Nux vomica. The symptoms of Nux vomica toxicity include convulsions, rhabdomyolysis, metabolic acidosis, respiratory and cardiac arrest, and neuromuscular hyperexcitability accompanied by agitation and muscle spasms. The Strynos nux-vomica tree, which is indigenous to Southeast and India, is used to make nux vomica. In Ayurvedic and traditional Asian medicine, the dehydrated, processed seeds have been used to treat a wide range of ailments, such as cancer, heart disease, constipation, arthritis, influenza, and musculoskeletal issues. On the other hand, significant amounts of the alkaloid toxins brucine and strychnine are also present in Nux vomica seeds. Strychnine is a well-known toxin that is only used as bait to kill wild animals like rats and moles. Because it is linked to both deliberate and unintentional poisoning, it is prohibited or restricted in most nations across the world. Although strychnine and brucine have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor action in cell culture, their therapeutic window is small, and they have not been demonstrated to have any positive medical effects in human trials.

Dec 20, 2023
Vertebrate Pesticides

Vertebrate Pesticides

Vertebrate Pest Management: Studies are conducted to create new instruments and approaches for dealing with these pests. Studies conducted in captivity are used to evaluate the effects of poisons and traps on welfare as well as the toxicity and effectiveness of reproductive control measures. Large-scale management experiments are conducted to maximize control tactics, and field tests are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of poisons and traps. Despite the fact that the goal of our research is to manage animals, including killing them, we think that the benefits to individual animals as well as animal communities outweigh any potential risks to the managed individuals. We propose three tiers of beneficiaries: the individuals inside the eliminated pest species, the individuals within the remaining population, and the members of other species' populations and individuals. We give instances of how research on vertebrate pesticides and traps might assist wild animals.

Dec 19, 2023
Ferrous Sulphide-Powder-Sulphur 50% Min

Ferrous Sulphide-Powder-Sulphur 50% Min

Ferrous Sulphide-Powder-Sulphur 50% MinIn the business, our company is one of the most reputable suppliers of ferrous sulphide sticks. In the various steel sectors, these ferrous sulphide sticks are employed to improve steel's cutting capabilities. Our ferrous sulphide sticks are composed of premium materials and are incredibly dependable and effective to use. To guarantee that these ferrous sulphide sticks meet industrial standards, they undergo quality testing and inspection. Customers can purchase our superior selection of ferrous sulphide sticks from us at competitive costs.

Dec 19, 2023
Rubber & Tyre Grade Sulphur Powder

Rubber & Tyre Grade Sulphur Powder

Rubber & Tyre Grade Sulphur Powder is extensively utilised in the foam, tyre and tube rubber sectors. To guarantee adherence to the strictest customer product criteria, the powder is manufactured using the most recent testing and analytical methods. These chemicals come in various volumes and are packaged in laminated HDPE bags.

Dec 19, 2023
Tin Sulphide

Tin Sulphide

Tin and sulphur combine chemically to form tin sulphide. SnS is the chemical formula. Its natural occurrence involves the uncommon mineral herzenbergite (α-SnS). It has become clear in recent years that a novel SnS polymorph based on the cubic crystal structure exists.

Dec 19, 2023
Piston ring

Piston ring

The combustion chamber is sealed by piston rings. They are precisely adjusted to impart the proper pressure to the cylinder wall or liner, guaranteeing that the working surfaces of the cylinder are covered in a uniform layer of oil. This guards against wear and provides enough lubrication.

Dec 19, 2023
Automotive Engine and Spare Parts