Vertebrate Pesticides

Dec 19, 2023
Vertebrate Pesticides

Vertebrate Pest Management:

Studies are conducted to create new instruments and approaches for dealing with these pests. Studies conducted in captivity are used to evaluate the effects of poisons and traps on welfare as well as the toxicity and effectiveness of reproductive control measures. Large-scale management experiments are conducted to maximize control tactics, and field tests are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of poisons and traps. Despite the fact that the goal of our research is to manage animals, including killing them, we think that the benefits to individual animals as well as animal communities outweigh any potential risks to the managed individuals.

We propose three tiers of beneficiaries: the individuals inside the eliminated pest species, the individuals within the remaining population, and the members of other species' populations and individuals. We give instances of how research on vertebrate pesticides and traps might assist wild animals.

For more details click here Vertebrate Pesticides.