Trade can facilitate the digitization process

Jan 02, 2024
Digital Trade Platform
Trade can facilitate the digitization process
Trade can facilitate the digitization process.
Trade has
the potential
to lower
the price
of digital
network access. Reducing trade barriers that impact telecommunications
can cut access prices
by promoting competition, even as telecom providers raise data caps to support people
staying connected over physical distances. Reduced maintenance
expenses for digital networks can also be achieved by lowering tariffs on
network equipment.
Access to
gadgets that allow us to connect to the Internet is another
benefit of trade. One of the most internationalized
industries is computers and related equipment, with 80% of its value added coming
from outside the country.
But these digital enablers are still susceptible to
tariffs, which emphasizes how crucial it is for nations
to accede
the WTO Information
Agreement in
order to
provide duty-free
to these goods.